6 Jan 2013, Sunday
Borobudur, Jawa Tengah
Borobudur Temple –Pawon & Mendut
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Without having breakfast provided at Hotel, we started our journey as early as 6am from Oasis Hotel. If we want to wait for the breakfast, maybe we have to start Borobudur trip at 7.30 a.m since the breakfast only provided at 7 a.m. It's OK, I already have my own breakfast at 5 a.m. Since, we don't have much time on the 2nd day, so, the earlier the better and more places we can cover.
It was 40 km distance from our Hotel to borobudor which took around 1 hour. We arrived Taman Wisata Borobudur around 7 a.m. And by the time we arrived, the entrance was already full with visitors. Seriously, memang wrong timing lah ko sampai makcik. It was last day of school holidays. So, faham-faham jelah crowded nye Borobudour area... can u imagine. Susah nye nak ambil amgle menarik sebab every single angle & area at Borobudor is full of people. Everywhere... Anywhere. Memang seriously keciwa yang tak dapat aku gambarkan lah sebab ramai nye orang. Uwaaaa...
Nampak nye kena revisit balik lah tempat ni. Make sure, next time please plan wisely.
Lesson learnt... Never come on school holidays if u want to enjoy taking photos and jalan-jalan. To me, tobat aku tak datang on school holiday lagi dah.... Never.
Forget about my dissatisfaction, lets explore what is inside this so called world amazing heritage area.
Heading to Mid of Java |
Perjalan menuju Borobudur merantasi laluan larva Gunung Berapi |
Welcome to Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur |
Entrance for International Visitors... entrance fee pun lain lah herge nye |
You have to wear sarong before get inside. Katanye... To show respect. But, only for international visitors. Local visitor tak pakai pon. Maybe that's the rule for outsiders. Layan kan saja.
A must procedure for international visitors only, wearing Sarong
Dah macam pahlawan Gadis Jawa |
| | | | | | |
Lenggang Mak Limah ke candi Borobudur |
Borobudur from far |
Listen... listen... listen...
Explanation by Pak Budi our guide |
Jika Mesir berbangga dengan piramid dan Sphinx, China dengan Tembok Besar, Kemboja dengan Angkor Wat. Maka, warga Indonesia pulak berbangga dengan Borobudur… satu Tapak Warisan Dunia UNESCO... yang penting aku tahu pernah masuk Buku sejarah sekolah.
Borobudur ialah kuil atau candi agama Buddha yang terletak di desa Boro, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia dan terletak kira-kira 100 km di barat daya Semarang dan 40 km di sebelah barat laut Yogyakarta. Luasnya saja 2500 km persegi.
Dalam Bahasa Indon, bangunan keagamaan purbakala disebut candi… istilah candi juga digunakan meluas untuk merujuk kepada semua bangunan purbakala yang berasal dari masa Hindu-Buddha di Nusantara.
Batu Bersurat Candi Borobudur |
Borobudur adalah stupa Buddha mazhab Mahayana, dan monumen Buddha terbesar di dunia. Ia dibina antara tahun 750 dan 850 Masihi oleh pemerintah Jawa Dinasti Sailendra dan Sanjaya.
Borobudur dibina sebagai tempat pemujaan penganut agama Buddha kerana ketika itu seluruh pulau mistik Jawa didiami penganut Buddha. Setiap tahun, sambutan Hari Wesak telah disambut di sini pada bulan Mei. Pembinaan semula kuil Borobudur menyebabkannya semakin terkenal di kalangan penganut Buddha dari seluruh dunia. Hari Wesak adalah untuk memperingati hari kelahiran, nafas penghabisan dan masa apabila Boddhisatva menjadi Buddha.
Pengaruh Buddha dan Hindu merosot dengan ketibaan agama baru iaitu agama Islam. Sehingga kini hanya terdapat 2 juta penganut Hindu Buddha di Indonesia dengan tumpuan di pulau Bali. Selepas Islam, pengaruh Kristian turut berkembang luas di Indonesia selama 350 tahun dengan jumlah penganut seramai 5 juta orang.
Kemerosotan Borobudur semakin teruk apabila ia ditimbus oleh abu lava gunung berapi. Terdapat dua buah gunung berapi yang masih aktif iaitu Gunung Sundoro-Sumbing dan Gunung Merbabu-Merapi di Sungai Progo. Kawasan ini terpilih sebagai tempat pembinaan kuil kerana penduduknya ramai dan pertanian padi sawah dapat dijalankan kerana tanah lava gunung berapi sangat subur.
(source: various)
Sila Follow... Procedure of visiting Borobudur |
Dont's |
Banyak teori yang berusaha menjelaskan nama candi ini.
- Istilah Borobudur tidak dapat dikesan dalam mana-mana artifak kecuali catatan Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles saja antara 1814-1816 iaitu ketika British mengambilalih sementara Bangkahulu dari Belanda.
- Asal usul istilah Borobudur ini tidak jelas kerana penduduk setempat tidak lagi menjadi penganut agama Buddha. Penduduk pulau mistik Jawa telah lama melupakan agama Buddha. Kita akan merasa aneh akan kewujudan kuil Buddha ini kerana 99% penduduk Indonesia beragama Islam.
- Bore ialah 'nama sebuah kampung' di situ. Budur ialah 'candi'. Jadi Borobudur bermaksud Candi Bore. Biasanya setiap candi dinamakan sempena nama sesebuah kampung berdekatan. Sepatutnya Raffle menulis 'BudurBoro', bukan 'Borobudur'.
- Dalam manuskrip Nagarakartagama yang menggunakan bahasa Jawa kuno, karya Mpu Prapanca pada 1365 menyatakan 'Budur' sebagai Budha. Jadi diandaikan 'Budur' dikaitkan dengan ajaran Buddha.
- Borobudur juga dikatkan dengan Sambharabhudhara yang bermaksud "gunung" (bhudara) di mana di lereng-lerengnya terletak teras-teras.
- Borobudur dikatakan perubahan sebutan "para Buddha" menjadi borobudur atau 'budha'.
- Dalam bahasa sanskrit dan Bali, Boro bermaksud 'kompleks candi' atau biara. Beduhur bermaksud "tinggi" atau di atas tanah tinggi.
Asal-usul nama Borobudur pun tidak berapa jelas, sebab banyak sangat version nye. So, kalau nak tahu kisah lebih lanjut lagi tentang one of the wonders of the world ni , rajin-rajin lah lah google wikipedia for
English and
The narrative bas-reliefs stories position on
Borobudur wall. All of these stories derived from Buddhist sacred texts
such as Lalitavistara, Manohara, Avadana, Jatakamala, Jataka,
Gandavyuha, including Karmavibhangga carved along hidden foot covered by
additional base encasement. Source Wikipedia |
Cross section and ratio of Borobudur.
Borobudur is stupa with stepped pyramid base in shape of mandala and
consist of three realms in Buddhist cosmology: Kamadhatu (realm of
desire), Rupadhatu (realm of form), and Arupadhatu (realm of
formlessness). The ratio containing the number 9:6:4 Source: Wikipedia |
Dan puas lenggang Mak Limah, naik tangga pulak yea |
The beautiful Borobudur you could see the moment you step onto the last stair |
The corner of Borobudur |
The Buddha rest in peace |
Macam tak caya jer dah sampai sini |
Everey angle in Borobudur has its own unique characteristic |
Borobudur... from the other side
We were told that most of structure at Borobudur has been reconstructed after damaged by the Merapi Volcano explosion |
Every ukiran has its own story |
Lost of right hand side |
Some of the Buddha no longer in their perfect shape |
Cerita keperwiraan Pahlawan Jowo |
I admired the architecture |
So many missing parts of Buddha |
Jangan terkejut pulak bila nampak so many buddha were no longer in their perfect shape... lost of hand, lost of head and some other body parts too. We were told by Pak Budi... some of it was stolen by irresponsible people... and perhaps to be sold. Dan jangan terkejut sebab herge jualannye saja bisa mencecah sehingga jutaan rupiah. Patut pun.
Lost of head |
The real situation when still in school holidays |
Pendengar tegar cerita Pak Budi |
Hanya yang pakar tahu cerita disebalik nyer
So, really advisable to take guide if you want to learn something about this place, so, takdelah sia-sia kedatangan korang ke sini, at least you know something
Please Welcome |
Naik tangga lagi nak sampai ke puncak... |
Missing one person here |
View of Merapi Volcano from Borobudur |
In Prambanan, we called it as Ratna... here, it was called as Stupa |
Open Stupa... purposely open to show there was a Buddha inside |
End of tour inside Borobudur... the tree nearby the childrens with blue shirt was the best place to capture the full picture of Borobudur |
Aksi wajib GGK
Not really full pic of Borobudur cos I want to avoid many people on the left side |
We ended the tour around 10 a.m. Before that, we asked permission from Pak Budi nak shopping for half an hour... just to buy souvenirs. After that, we proceed to our next destination, Candi Pawon & Mendut.
Many souvenirs shop just outside the Borobudur area... dont miss it to catch some |
Candi Tingga Serangkai
Selain kuil Borobudur terdapat 2 lagi kuil di kawasan berdekatan iaitu kuil Pawon dan kuil Mendut yang terletak dalam satu garis lurus... katanye. So, on the way nak balik ke Jogja city kita orang singgah kejap. Walaupun takde lah sehebat Borobudur tapi Candi ni pun ade cerita menarik nye juga.
Borobudur, Pawon dan kuil Mendut yang terletak dalam satu garis lurus (source: wikipedia) | |
Menurut dongeng tempatan, ada jalan selari dari kuil Borobudur ke kuil Mendut. Katanye, dulu terdapat jalan berlapis batu yang dipagari pagar langkan di kedua sisinya yang menghubungkan ketiga candi ini. Namun tiada bukti saintifik adanya jalan raya beralas batu dan berpagar. Mungkin ini hanya cerita dongeng orang dulu-dulu. Sebab, aku ade bertanye pada Pak Budi kesahihan cerita nye, and he also not sure about the story, so, abaikan saja. Setiap Mei atau Jun, penganut Buddha mengerjakan perjalanan dari kuil Mendut, ke kuil Pawon dan tamat di kuil Borobudur. (source: wikipedia)
Candi Pawon... our next visit after Borobudur |
Candi Pawon... front side |
Next visit was Candi Mendut.
For more infos about these two Candis, you may click for
Candi Mendut and
Candi Pawon.
Happy reading.
Candi Mendut... front angle |
Setiap Ukirang batu disini juga has its own story |
Inside Candi Mendut |
I was wondering how they arranged the rocks to make it the candi stand still |
Some of the collection of collapse rocks |
Also got shopping place on the way to Candi Mendut |
Souvenirs in Stupa Shape |
Aku tertarik dengan Stupa shape kat atas tapi tak berani lah beli sebab takut terpesong akidah plak nanti... hehehe. So, aku cuma beli keychain & Fridge magnet in stupa shape saja lah buat kenang-kenangan.
Around 11 a.m, we proceed to Jogja city to our next destination to Sultan Palace & Taman Sari Castle. We followed the same direction we heading to Borobudur... almost 1 hour to reach there.
Again, passed by Larva flowing path on the way back to Jogja city |
To be continued...
beautiful Borobudur photos!!
ReplyDeletelove it!!
i love Jogja!
Previously I ‘m sorry if Mr / Mrs less pleasing of this comment. Warmest greetings, my name Jati introduction of Ganesha Jogja Tour & Travel. We are a tour company particularly in the Jogja vacation. If Mr / Mrs want go to Jogja please don’t hesitate to call (+62 85104919010) or whatsapp me (+628985101301). Free for ask.
ReplyDeleteIn addition Jogja package, we also serve other destination (Solo, Dieng, Bali, Lombok, Bromo, Surabaya, Bandung, etc) Tours. If Mr / Mrs have low budget, we also provide car / van / bus with special price.
Here is a sample Jogja Tour:
4D3N Jogja Tour (FULL BOARD / ALL IN)
Kasongan (pottery production), parangtritis beach, Manding (leather arts), Borobudur temple, Merapi lava tour (exploring the rest of the Merapi eruption using jeeps), chocolate Kotagede, Mataram Kotagede Mosque (oldest mosque in Yogyakarta), Kotagede silver handicraft center, Kraton (Sultan's palace), Castle watercastle, cave tubing Pindul Cave, Indrayanti beach, Bukit Bintang
Price start from: RM 482
All package types include:
• Private Car AC (Toyota Avanza / Grand Livina for 2-6 pax, Isuzu elf 11 seats for 7-11 pax, Isuzu elf 16/17 seats for 12-16 pax, medium buses 31-33 seats for 17-33 pax, bigbus 44-54 seats for more than 33 pax)
• Hotels 3 nights * 2 / * 3 / * 4 (+ breakfast)
• Driver
• Driver Meals
• Parking fees
• Tour guide (by request)
• Entrance ticket is stated in the itinerary
• Dinner and lunch based itinerary
• Documentation (by request)
• Airport taxes
• Personal expences (laundry, pulse, shopping etc.)
• Additional menu for dinner / lunch (if included)
• Driver, driver's assistant, guide tips (optional)
Prices are subject to change at any time
Prices are not valid for high season
Many more other package such as Jogja + Solo, Yogyakarta + Dieng, Semarang and Yogyakarta etc. Please do not hesitate to give a call to me at +6285104919010 or,
whatsapp +628985101301 (FREE).
Email: ganeshabantul@yahoo.com
FB: jati182@yahoo.co.id (Jati Wijaya)
Many thanks for the attention.