Starting Point: Menara KL
Duration: 5 Hrs + 1/2 Hr penalty (-1 for every 5 minutes)
Transport: Bus, LRT, Monorail (Taxi not allowed)
Rules: You must complete 8 Stations to qualify & collect passport stamps from every challenge station after you complete the task
Before the event....
Collecting the goodie bag & attended short briefing by Time Out Solution.
Goodie Bag to be collected 2 days before |
On the day of event...
My second time after the 2 years back event. Not much expecting, hoping just to have fun. Just a bit dissapointed with the 1st place assignment which we need to go first before proceed with other checkpoint. My group got KTM bhd as a 1st checkpoint we need to go. At that time, I assumed that everyone will go to the same place but not actually, they have assigned a different place. Lucky lah, sapa yang dapat pergi the nearest CP from KL tower. Senang skit and save banyak masa compare to my group yang nak kena patah balik ke Muzium Telekom after completed section yg berhampiran dengan ktm berhad.
This time event, my partner was Cik Hezrin, ex-Aker collegue. Emmhhh... agak-agak nye lepas ni serik lagi ke nak join.
This time event, my partner was Cik Hezrin, ex-Aker collegue. Emmhhh... agak-agak nye lepas ni serik lagi ke nak join.
Breakfast provided by organizer... one 100+ and Butterscotch Delicia, not enough for me :-( |
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Yeahhh... berlepas sudah... semangat sungguh participant kali ni |
12 places we need to complete but 8 already qualified... Map also provided to guide you |
The race pack also provided with information on heritage venue... Not all but quite useful to answer the multiple choice Questions :-) |
First Station: Stesen Besar KTM
Need to go here first before proceed to other stations.
My mistake sebab tak tahu public transport other than taxi apa yg paling dekat dgn KL tower nk ke KTM Bhd. Yang aku tahu shortcut thru bukit nanas forest reserve... but still jauh nak ke 1st station, almost 30min. Mula-mula tu memang berlari-lari anak tapi dah hafway pancit... hahaha. Anyway... sampai juga lah... completed the 10 heritage Questions and proceed to next nearest destination, Central Market.
Out first heritage venue... Stesen KTM Berhad |
Infos on heritage provided in the race pack not really helpful so find another way... Internet 3G, apalah guna ade smartphone kan :-) |
2nd Station: Central Market
Masa kami sampai CM, nampak most of the participants kat luar jer, ohh
ok... maybe still too early. But, Marshal cakap CM tak kasi masuk (maybe cos too early to open to public), so
our walk hunt Question inside CM cancelled. So, we only need to answer 5Q.
3rd Station: Taman Budaya @ Jalan Tun HS Lee
The nearest after CM. Walking almost 15 minutes jugalah. Anyway, tak pernah tahu pun pasal tempat nie luckily ade google map. Very helpful. Our task kat sini, as per photo below. Jalan atas mangkuk sambil sebelah kaki pasangan diikat...huhuhu. Traditional way using coconut shell or tempurung kelapa. Tak habis buat sebab ade timing, tunggu Cik Erin nak balance pon amek masa... tak habis-habis ketaq... dari hiking terbawa-bawa sampai xplorace, hehehe.
Task at Taman Budaya |
4th Station: Chin Woo Stadium @ Jalan Hang Jebat
Our next nearest station. Nak ke sini memang takde public transport rasanye other than taxi tapi tak jauh pun from Taman Budaya. Cuma yang paling tak boleh blah... kena naik bukit. Dah lah semput berlari tak habis lagi... kena mendaki pulak. Sampai-sampai je dah kena buat task memancing botol dalam swimming pool. Pun ade timing juga... within 90 seconds... pancing sebanyak mungkin.
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Task at Chin Woo Stadium... memancing botol (source: Menara KL) |
5th Station: Victoria Institution @ Jalan Statdium
Nak ke sini confirm lah kena berjalan sebab memang takde public transport pun nak ke sini. Tapi memang dah dekat dengan Chin Woo stadium. Our task here... tarik upih pinang, traditional malay game. For this task, Erin dah awal-awal offer nak tarik aku. OK, fine... I follow. Tapi hafway nak patah balik, dia dah surrender... aku tak sure samaada dia betul-betul tak larat or aku yang dah makin berat... emmhhh.
Task at Victoria School... Tarik Upih, Of cos lah Erin yang akan tarik aku |
6th Station: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka @ Jalan Wisma Putra
The nearest after Victoria Institution. Tapi agak bahaya juga sebab kena lintas jalan besar. Kat sini kami cuma perlu complete kan another 10 heritage MCQ. Actually, this questions already in the race pack and can be completed before arrived at this checkpoint. Save your time cause there's no answers at DBP.
After task at DBP, we straight away took the nearest LRT to Muzium Telekom & return back to LRT to Dang wangi Station for our next venue |
7th Station: Muzium Telekom
After DBP, kami terus cari the nearest LRT station... Hang Tuah. Tak larat dah but still we had to walk to the LRT station. After this, task kami semua yang berhampiran dengan LRT. Nak ke Muzium Telekom ni pun makan masa juga... menapak lagi. Kalau lah aku dapat 1st Check point kat sini tadi confirm save banyak masa nak ke tempat lain... kann.
Task at Muzium Telekom... Baling Selipar, my favorite childhood game |
8th Station: Dang Wangi LRT station
Task ni memang confirm lah kena naik LRT sebab takde makne nye nak menapak ke sini dari Muzium Telekom. And task ni pun dah semestinye kena naik LRT sebab as per instruction in the race pack. Task at this station... you need to prepare Tradiotional Iban Costume, then, wear it and finally, kena dancing lah lepas tu. We were given a set of newspapers, masking tape & lipstick to complete the task. So, use your creativity.
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Preparing the Traditional Iban costume (source: Menara KL) |
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dah boleh follow step on the video... apa lagi tunjuk kan lah bakat
yang terpendam tu kat depan para juri, mana lah tahu kan sangkut pulak
masuk TV (source: Menara KL) |
Huru hara dah costume aku... after the dancing done |
The last station before we ended up the race. The task was you need to answer 10 MCQ about Maxis. We were given brochures all about maxis... Smartphone package, Broadband, Internet fiber dan yang sewaktu dengan nye, to help us answering the MCQ. Dah tak macam heritage xplorace dah aku rase... tanye lah soalan yang berkaitan heritage ke, tak pun Malaysia History... adelah kaitan juga kan. Opppss lupa plak.... sponsor.
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Task at menara maxis... answering MCQ provided with Maxis Brochures (source: Menara KL) |
Other stations...
Memandangkan task kat maxis habis pukul 12.30pm... so, aku rase memang dah tak sempat dah nak ke 3 stations lagi. Almost penalty time. Kalau lambat 5 minutes, deduct 1 mark. Half an hour after 1pm... terus disqualified. So, I choose to end the race without thinking of proceed to another stations. Muktamad.
Ade two stations you need to go at Tasik Titiwangsa. And two different tasks you need to perform.
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One of the task at Tasek Titiwangsa (source: Menara KL) |
Matic (Malaysia Tourist Centre) @ Jalan Ampang
Sempat passed by jelah tak sempat nak singgah.
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Task at Matic... we skipped this venue since not much time left... passed by jelah cos almost penalty time (source: Menara KL) |
We arrived at the finishing point at 1.12pm...penalty time,12 minutes meaning deduct 3 marks. Agak-agak nye kalau aku buat task kat Matic tu terus disqualified... hehehe.
Tak complete 3 venues |
Lunch also provided |
Closing ceremony berlansung dalam pukul 3 macam tu, aku tunggu jugalah announcement for top 10. Lepas tu, terus blah... sebab dah penat sangat and tahu confirm tak menang. Lari marathon 10KM non-stop pun tak sepenat ini. Maybe sebab cuaca yang sangat panas dah killed my stamina on that day. Anyway, congrats to all the winners on that day... you deserve to win.
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Congratulations to the winner... cayalah (source) |
For top 30 results... you may refer to Menara KL FB
Congrats.. at least your team having fun..
ReplyDeleteKmi pon KTM as 1st CP.. mungkin xperasan kot.. tahun ni payah lagi dari tahun lepas..
Yeah... I'm having Fun :-)
ReplyDeletetask tahun ni macam lebih menarik :)
ReplyDeletesalam..saya tgok awak rajin buat outdoor.. boleh saya kenal? =) mgkin boleh jadik mmber utk naik bukit atau gnung lepas ni.. =)
ReplyDeleteejah Husna... no problem, just add me at FB, normally kenal ramai geng pon sebab buat outdoor activities :-)
ReplyDeleteCekidout our next xtvt...
Nuang thru Janda baik 13/4
Berembun-Jersah-Perdah 27/4