
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Leh Ladakh Road Trip Day 1: Sonamarg to Kargil

Mon, 10 Sept 2018
Route: Sonamarg – Zoji La – Drass – Kargil
Estimated Time: 3hrs drive

The journey continues...

From Srinagar to Leh, kita akan lalu one of “the riskiest route” to Leh which is Zojila Pass.

Entering the Zojila Pass

Ada saja view yang menarik hati

Nice view

Some info about Zoji La

Zoji La - "La" itself means a mountain pass in Tibetan & Ladakhi. Zoji La is a high mountain pass in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, located on National Highway 1 between Srinagar and Leh in the western section of the Himalayan mountain range. It separates Kashmir Valley to its west from Dras Valley to its northeast.

Zoji La is about 100 km from Srinagar and 15 km from Sonmarg. It provides a vital link between Ladakh and Kashmir Valley. It runs at an elevation of approximately 3,528m (11,575ft) and the 2nd highest pass after Fotu La on the Srinagar-Leh National Highway. It is often closed during winter.

But now, no need to worry because Zoji La tunnel project was approved by the government of India in Jan 2018 and the construction is currently on-going. This 14km long tunnel will reduce the time to cross the Zojila Pass from more than 3 hours to just 15 minutes. It will be the longest bi-directional tunnel in Asia when completed. (Source: wikipedia)

Wow, after this, Winter season pun boleh ke Ladakh thru this tunnel. No worries.

Actually, aku dapat info pasal tunnel ni pun from Owais. Kalau tak, memang tak ambil tahu lah. Hahaha.

One of the beautiful you could see thru Zojila Pass

Zojila Pass

Zojila Pass

Baru borak-borak dengan Owais pasal kalau jam lah kat Zojila ni memang horrible juga, tahu-tahu kami pun terperangkap juga. Nasib baiklah sekejap saja (less than 1/2hr). According to Owais, from Srinagar to Leh, this is the riskiest route. Need to aware of the possibility of rock falls. Scary you. Bila diingatkan balik rasa seram pun ada especially waktu hujan. Dan itu juga kami alami masa on the way balik from Leh to Srinagar.

Terperangkap dalam jam di Zojila Pass
Horrornya kalau terperangkap dalam jam kat sini

Nasib tak baik berjam juga nak tunggu traffic reda

Enjoy below view on the way from Sonamarg to Kargil via Srinagar-Leh Highway.

Welcome to Kargil

Oh, nanti masa kat Kargil Border, need to fill-up one form with all the personal & transport details. So, always keep your passport with you. Actually, tak susah pun procedure tapi macam nak kena isi form bagai tu yang buat leceh sikit. Kami semua kena keluar kereta & masuk kat dalam office dia untuk isi form. Lepas tu nanti dia akan check & baru boleh settled. Dia punye officer semua pakai army uniform complete dengan senapang ok. Rasa macam dalam cerita Hindustan pulak. Hahaha.

Form yang wajib diisi tourist entering Kargil

From Kargil border, we continued our journey to Kargil Town. Still long way to go.

Perjalanan dari sempadan kargil to Kargil town mengambil masa lebih kurang 2jam lagi. Tapi perjalanan tak terasa sangat pun sebab view sepanjang perjalanan menuju Kargil, wow sangat. Cantik. So, sila segarkan mata sepanjang perjalanan nak enjoy the view to the fullest. Aku ada share video sepanjang perjalanan aku kat Ladakh ni di IG. Dari first day sampai lah ke last day. Boleh tengok kat situ kalau rajin & nak nampak gambaran keindahan perjalanan kami. Kadang-kadang gambar saja tak cukup meyakinkan, so, kenalah buat video baru nampak the real journey to this little piece of heaven.

View on the way from Kargil border to Kargil Town

View on the way from Kargil border to Kargil Town

View on the way from Kargil border to Kargil Town

View on the way from Kargil border to Kargil Town

Entering another small town otw to Kargil Town

View on the way from Kargil border to Kargil Town

Almost there

The mountain behind is the Pakistan Border

Kami sampai Kargil Town around 6pm gitu. Masa ni masih belum gelap lagi tapi kelam kabut juga sebab nak kejar waktu solat Asar yang dah nak habis tu. Tadi masa on the way ke sini, sebab yakin boleh sampai sebelum waktunya, so, tak adalah kami stop mana-mana. Alhamdulillah, smooth journey on our first day.

Sampai sudah Kargil Town

Kami akan stay di sini before next destination to Leh

Kargil Town

Kami stay di Hotel Zojila (nama pun dah sama dengan jalan yang paling bahaya nak ke Ladakh). Nasib baik hotel tak scary macam Zojila, hehehe. Kami dapat price Rs2500/night included breakfast & Buffet Dinner. Senang makan kat Hotel ni, kebersihan pun terjamin sikit. Ohh, actually hotel sepanjang trip kami semua arranged by Owais. Aku cuma akan advise budget ok ke tak saja. Kalau ikutkan semua hotel yang dia recommend pada mulanya semua budget Rs3000-Rs3500 tapi bila kami dah sampai sini semua less than Rs2500/night termasuk Hotel di Leh.

Our Accomodation at Kargil
Room for two

Konsep travel aku kali ni, agak berlainan sikit sebab aku tak guna package. Semua arranged by driver tapi kami hanya akan bayar semua bila dah sampai destinasi. Kiranya cash flow tu nampak lah ke mana. Siap boleh bargain lagi tu.

To be continued...


  1. Salam sis. IG sis apa ye? Nak tengok video. Terima kasih

  2. The Sonamarg to Kargil travelogue is a fascinating account of the journey through some of the most scenic routes in Ladakh. The blog highlights the beauty of the Zojila Pass, Drass, and the Kargil War Memorial. For those planning a Ladakh tour, Ladakh tour packages that include the Sonamarg to Kargil route offer a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty and history of the region. The blog is a must-read for anyone planning a trip to Ladakh.

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