Location: Kuala Kubu Baru, Selangor
Time: 7 a.m to 6 p.m
Meeting Point: Petronas, Taman Samudera
As promised, we all gathered and meet at Petronas just nearby Giant Batu Caves. But for the first time with Geng Gunung, I was late. Sorry girls not my fault yea... ade skit miscommunication between "Plaza Metro Kajang" n "Metropoint Kajang". Last2, jumpa kat stadium Kajang. Alah lambat 20 min jer pun, kalau nak dibanding kan dengan menunggu nak ke Bukit Tabur tu kan... apa lah sangat.
We started our journey to Kuala Kubu at 7.30 a.m guided by Ms Ezza yang kata nyer sangat familiar dengan jalan ke situ. On the way to KKB, baru aku noticed ni jalan nak ke Ulu Yam... ohhh jalan ni ke, OK. But that was 6 years back when I was still in UIA, we used to go to Ulu Yam for picnic. We reached Pekan KKB around 8.25 a.m... still early 5 minutes as we promised with En Hasnul at 8.30 a.m. That time juga aku received call from En Hasnul kata nyer Kedai Mee Kari yang sedap tu tutup plak hari ni. So kita orang pun makan2 kat kedai yang berhampiran je lah since semua pun tak breakfast lagi.
Aku rase this is my first time to meet En Hasnul face to face. Last time aku dapat contact dia from kawan dia masa aku tengah dinner kat Laban Rata... masa borak2 tue terkeluar plak pasal rafting, and on the spot dia kasi contact no. En Hasnul. That's why bila aku nak start aktivity rafting ni, aku teringat kenangan di Laban Rata dulu. I shud contact this guy. Tapi bila jumpa dia firs time, aku rase dia lah oarng yang aku jumpa kat KK hari tu. Is He the same person? Tak berani plak aku nak tanye. Lepas contact dia, aku pun arrange macam2 lah... find the suitable date, cari ahli yang nak join. Kita orang pun start berhubung thru sms, phone n emails n FB juga. Bersungguh pakcik ni yakin kan aku KKB is the best place for rafting in Peninsular. Mula2 dia ajak gi Gopeng tapi memandang kan dia orang tgh nak cukup kan orang ke KKB so, aku pun join juga lah walaupun aku tahu...KKB is the advance level. Tapi biasalah Geng Gunung ni.... slalu trus advance level jer. Inilah best nyer Geng Gunung ni always try the hardest part first. Caya lah.
From Pekan KKB, we waited for Amy yang kata nyer Organizer for this. Half an hour juga lah tunggu Mamat ni. Just then, we proceed to KKB rafting rest area. Sampai2 jer kami kena isi form, identified ourself... Ade penyakit tak? Tahu swim ke tak? And a few others tricky questions. Hahaha... aku pun copy orang sebelah. Lepas tu kita orang pun dibawa naik Lorry untuk ke starting point Rafting. About 20 minutes juga lah nak ke situ dengan jalan-jalan yang ala-ala mencabar juga. Luckily bukan lori getah sekerap.
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Mula-mula ingat nak naik 4WD nie.... rupa2 nyer |
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... Naik lorry ni yea |
Sampai2 jer, dah ramai mase tue and most of them are guys. Oppss...nasib baik grup aku semua pompuan, so, balance lah skit. Teringat aku En hasnul cakap, penat kita nak pedal nie... semua pompuan...hehehe. Tapi aku tahu He really meant it walaupun dalam nada bergurau. Lepas tu, ade short briefing and demo from our guide Kapak. First demo, cara yang betul nak pakai life jacket yea. Oppss... kena ade model yang different size lah plak... ade 3 volunteers. And I am one of them... model category cute n sweet. Lepas tu, we started to wear the life jacket and amik pedal & safety helmet masing-masing.
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Macam ni ye cara-cara yang betul pakai life jacket bagi category cute n sweet :-D
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Kemas2 kan apa yang patut... ketat kan apa yang longgar... masukkan apa yang terkeluar |
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Next... listening to briefing by Kapak... Rafting the right way |
Next, demo kat atas raft plak. Kapak juga yang kasi briefing and jadi model and plus with other model yang not so popular. His briefing really clear and understood. Bak kata peroz, cute lah guide ni Kak....hahaha... no comment. Anyway credit to all the Models at raft... you did a good acting. Macam tengok raja lawak pun ade...hehehe.
Briefing pun dah... demo pun dah... team pun dah ade...apa lagi, ingat2 lah nak angkat raft sendiri yea. Ade lah jalan dalam 10 tapak jer pun pastu dia orang campak je dalam air. Kita orang pun pandai2 lah susun position sendiri… aku duk tengah-tengah. The time we started, it was already 11 a.m. Mula2 15 minutes tue air still calm n easy, cume bila time nak masuk 1st canyon tu jer dah start the real rapid. We had to take turn into the first Canyon, team by team. My team… we always started in the between, bak kata Kapak my guide, our raft kena duk tengah so that senang dia nak monitor front raft and back raft. Maybe sebab dia taiko kot. Semua pun macam dengar cakap dia.
Briefing pun dah... demo pun dah... team pun dah ade...apa lagi, ingat2 lah nak angkat raft sendiri yea. Ade lah jalan dalam 10 tapak jer pun pastu dia orang campak je dalam air. Kita orang pun pandai2 lah susun position sendiri… aku duk tengah-tengah. The time we started, it was already 11 a.m. Mula2 15 minutes tue air still calm n easy, cume bila time nak masuk 1st canyon tu jer dah start the real rapid. We had to take turn into the first Canyon, team by team. My team… we always started in the between, bak kata Kapak my guide, our raft kena duk tengah so that senang dia nak monitor front raft and back raft. Maybe sebab dia taiko kot. Semua pun macam dengar cakap dia.
My sporting team |
Alhamdulillah we’ve made it at the 1st Canyon succeesfully. But not all of us, one of my team, the Chinese Lady suddenly missing. Tapi aku still nak salah kan Kapak juga cos kasi salah instruction…. Boleh tak boat dah 90deg ke kanan dia suruh kita orang to the left…to the left. Nasib baik lah aku fikir logic… aku pun to the right lah berpaut kt tali raft. Cuma sorang ni jer yang follow instruction Kapak tu je lah yang hanyut. Guide is not always right… remember that. Tapi yang aku pasti aku tak rase takut plak masa ni… macam rase nak buat lagi jer.
Not all of us are successfully made it at the first Canyon. Huzz, Kay, Julie, Adeq, Meeza n Geng Huzz dah merasa azab pertama dekat mula-mula rapid lagi… semua hanyut, boat capsized, helmet hilang & pedal hanyut . So far, at this stage, I still survive.
The right way to save people yang hanyut masa kat rapid... throw the rope & victim must be able to capture it |
There were a lot of rapids along the KKB River but the next challenging is the Chicken Drop. Why we called it Chicken drop? According to Kapak, nanti kena ke kiri lepas tu ke kanan plak then drop 45deg. Tak tahu tang mana Chicken nyer tapi aku seriously suker part nie sebab kena boom boom masa nak drop tue… tapi guide missed my photo group team masa part ni, kata nyer memory card dah full…hish tak puas hati betul aku. Sudah nyer tak banyak pun aksi aku yang boleh dipertontonkan. Macam biase lah kalu nama nyer camera awak yang punyer… gambo orang lain je yang banyak nnt. Luckily, Ubet Underline ade capture video my team kat sini…happy sangat2... Thanks Bro.
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Hold ON
Fad, Miza n Adeq team... working hard at the Chicken Drop not to drop :D
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On the Job |
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We successfully made it all the three challenging rapid |
The next rapid is the Hydraulic. Ni lagi mencabar, kalau x kena gaya memang boleh terlanggar batu lah. Sebab nyer air too rapid ditambah plak dengan kiri kanan batu yang bersimpang siur… So kita orang memang time nie memang banyak move to the left….move to the right… boom boom and pedal forward. But whatever it is, safety is the main concern in these activity… do alert to your guide’s instruction.
Hydraulic... the last challenging rapid |
Ketiga-tiga rapid nie aku Berjaya buat dengan successfully nyer. Aku hanyut masa dekat rapid yang sedang-sedang jer. Mase nie sebab nyer… aku rase lah kan kan kan… Kam our second guide nak kena kan aku. But not only me yang hanyut, kapak our guide and the other 2 Chinese guy also hanyut. Mase aku hanyut air tak dalam mana pun tapi sebab rapid kan so, memang tak boleh nak stop. Luckily Kapak sempat hulur pedal dia kat aku and tarik aku duk belakang batu. Aku dah selamat satu citer, boleh tak aku nak gi tolong mamat Cina grup aku tu…. Siap hulur kan tangan lagi… sebab masa tu aku nampak dia tak boleh nak stop…someone must drag Him. Aku pun punye lah baik hati pergi tolong….blum sempat nak pegang Kapak panggil and tarik aku… biarkan… fikir awak tu dulu. Kejam je bunyi ayat tu kan. Tapi memang betul pun kalu dia capai tangan aku memang kita orang sama2 lah hanyut. Nasib baik lah mamat tu dapat stop, lepas tu dia datang kat aku senyum2… takpe I’m OK.
So, moral of the sorry never tried to help your friend even if you had a chance to do that. Think of yourself first OK.
So, moral of the sorry never tried to help your friend even if you had a chance to do that. Think of yourself first OK.
Masa nie lah aku dah start di bawa arus... 2 orang je yg terselamat kat atas batu tu
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Sejukkkk nyer air terjun nie |
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Berehat sebentar... gaya mesti ader yea |
Mandi manda |
Anyway, I was really enjoyed. Satisfied.
Thanks to everyone yang terlibat secara lansung atau tidak. Especially to Geng Gunung although not everyone can join but still your commitment to this event was really awesome, Thanks to En Hasnul for your support to my group & arranging everything from A-Z. To organizer Amy n the Geng, Kapak n Kam (my team's guide).
Nak balik dahhh... I will really missed u KKB after this |
To every guides who really taking care all of us. You’re really helpful and kelakar.
And not forgetting to all new frens. You all really happening.
Nice knowing everyone of you. Hope we can arrange more activities after this.
nak tergelak pun ada...
ReplyDeleteTang mana tu, Kay :-D
ReplyDeletenk gelak bace post..kelakar bila ingt balik..seronok!!!
ReplyDeleteMemang seronok giler... nak repeat lagi kalu boleh
ReplyDeleteSalam..macam mane nak contact dengan en hasnul ni yer? TQ..
ReplyDeleteSy pun nk dptkn contact en hasnur tu jgk.
ReplyDeleteSy pun nk dptkn contact en hasnur tu jgk.
ReplyDeleteCyrus, I lost his contact no. But you can direct with the rafting operator Amy 0194451796