
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bromo Tour... Itinerary & Budget

Below are the summary of tour 5D/4N itinerary in place of Semeru package & budget. We still use the same tour agent like last year trip, since, they are also organizing Semeru trekking package. Overall, the service is OK, only need to improve on certain things. Main tour Guide needs to be more professional. Imam which was supposed to be our Semeru guide is really helpful & very informative. 

Thurs, 5 June 2014 

Surabaya – Madakaripura - Bromo
  1. Arrive Surabaya International Airport at 12.05AM (Thurs) 
  2. Pick-up at Surabaya International Airport 
  3. Transfer to Bromo (Estimated time 4 hours) 
  4. OTW, singgah Madakaripura waterfall – Hiking (estimated 1hour) 
  5. Lunch (not included, own expense) 
  6. Continue to Bromo 
  7. Check-in at 3pm at Café Lava Hotel 
  8. Having dinner and Free program 
  9. Early nap for tomorrow Bromo Tour

Fri, 6 June 2014 

Bromo - Sunrise Tour - Ranu Pane 
  1. Wake up at 03.00am 
  2. Jeep 4WD pick-up at hotel at 03.30 am and ready to go to Bromo Sunrise Tour 
  3. Driving up to Penanjakan Peak point to see the Amazing Sunrise (1 hour trip) 
  4. Afterwards, back to the Jeep and visit Bromo Crater
  5. After bromo crater, return to the hotel to have breakfast, showering and loading your bags 
  6. Check out hotel at 12.00pm. 
  7. Transfer to Ranu Pane by Jeep (duration 1 hour)
  8. OTW to Ranu Pane, visit Padang Savanna and Pasir Berbisik 
  9. Check-in at 3pm at Tasrip Homestay at Ranu Pane (the only homestay in ranu pane) 
  10. Jalan jalan di Ranu Pane & Ranu Regulo. 
  11. Dinner at Tasrip Homestay (included) 
  12. Early nap & preparation for tomorrow’s hiking to B29

Sat, 7 June 2014 

B29 - Sunrise Tour - Ranu Pane – Kendiri 
  1. Wake up very early * 
  2. Start trekking to B29 thru TAR road to Ranu Pane - duration 2 hours** 
  3. Then continue trekking to B29 trail with duration - 2 hours trekking *** 
  4. Arrive at B29 view point & enjoy the view (hehehe, kami tak sampai B29 peak view point pun, halfway only) 
  5. Return back to Tasrip Homestay 
  6. Breakfast & check-out 
  7. Transfer to Kendiri thru Malang for tomorrow’s trip to Gunung Kelud. 
* Trekking sepatutnya bermula seawal 2pagi kalau nak sampai B29 peak before the sunrise. 
** Option naik jeep or any transport can reduce the hiking time to reach starting point of B29 
*** Other option, sepeda motor kalau nak lagi cepat

Sun, 8 June 2014 

Kendiri – Gunung Kelud – Coban Ronco – BNS
  1. Breakfast at Lotus Hotel, Kendiri. 
  2. Visit Taman Wisata Gunung Kelud & tengok tayangan video 35min. 
  3. Lunch otw to Malang (not included, own expense) 
  4. Proceed to Coban Rondo waterfall 
  5. Check-in Hotel at Dedaun, Batu, Malang 
  6. Visit Batu Night Spectacular (BNS) – ala-ala Theme Park + I-city 
  7. Dinner (not included, own expense)

Mon, 9 June 2014 

Ladang Epal Malang – Shopping Ole-ole di Batu - Candi Singosari - Surabaya
  1. Breakfast & check-out 
  2. Visit ladang epal Malang 
  3. Shopping at wisata Ole-ole Batu, Malang 
  4. Continue visit Candi Singosari 
  5. Lunch (not included, own expense) 
  6. Transfer to Juanda International Airport, Surabaya. 
  7. Flight Departure at 6.25PM 
Finish program...

Price tour includes of: 
  1. Private transportation with AC. 
  2. 1 night homestay at Ranu pane (Tasrip Homestay) – included Dinner & Breakfast 
  3. 1 night Hotel at Bromo with standard room (Cafe Lava Hotel) - included Dinner & Breakfast 
  4. 1 night Hotel at Malang (Dedaun) - included Breakfast 
  5. 1 night Hotel at Kendiri (Lotus Hotel) - included Breakfast 
  6. Private Jeep from Cemoro Lawang to Ranupane village
  7. Private Jeep for Penanjakan & Bromo Crater 
  8. Entrance to object tourism. 
  9. Guide 

Tour Exlude: 
  1. Travel insurance 
  2. Tips for Guide and driver 
  3. Lunch & other expenses

  1. AA Return Flight Ticket (Fuel surcharge + Airport Tax + processing fee) – RM112 
  2. AA Add on (Insurance, Pre-book seat, Pre-book baggage, Pre-book Meals) – RM119 
  3. Tour Ground Package (Bromo-Ranu Pane-Malang-Kendiri-Kelud) – RM620 (IDR2,300K) 
  4. Airport Tax (Surabaya) – IDR200K 
  5. Foods, Souvenirs & others – IDR600K 
Total Expenses – RM1068 

Alhamdulillah, kali ni aku tak banyak spend untuk shopping sebab mind set memang nak pergi mendaki ajer so bila dah tukar plan tu, aku memang sedikit tak keruan, tak tahu apa lah aku nak beli ni... sebab normally kalo aku target nak shopping memang dah ada checklist kan ni cuma bawak checklist nak gi mendaki jer, hahaha. Duit extra memang banyak sebab price package kami dah squeeze, so, memang banyak boleh spend kalau ikutkan tapi tulah kalau hati dah kecewa, mood pun down.

Trip to B29 sebagai ganti kekecewaan tak dapat Ke Semeru 
(pic credit to Fad Gojes)

Bila difikir-fikrkan kelakar juga, shopping kat karat bagai nak rak sampai last day nak pergi pun, sempat lagi tu pergi lagi, hehehe. Aku rasa kaya dah makcik karat sebab kami-kami ni jer... aku pun boleh terjebak juga... tak terkira berapa kali dah rasanya ke situ. Tapi takpe, keep that for our next trip, lepas ni tak payah lah nak shopping barang outdoor sangat dah kan. Anyway, boleh percaya ke?? Tapi tulah kita ni hanya merancang, Allah juga yang tentukan. Mungking kami belum betul-betul bersedia nak ke semeru sebab tu ada sahaja halangan nya, mungkin juga spekulasi... emmhhh, boleh jadi juga, haish... tapi berita kehilangan Azis Aminudin memang betul-betul bukan cobaan.

This entry marked the final of my bromo journey. Banyak sangat kenangan manis, kelakar & pahit yang aku alami. KLMJ, ni memang banyak sangat lah. Tapi kenagan paling terkesan dihati confirmlah kekecewaan tak dapat menawan gunung tertinggi di Jawa itu. Lebih kecewa bukan sebab kami dah mendaki tapi tak sampai ke puncak tapi sebab kami lansung tak dibenarkan masuk ke kawasan pendakian. Ranu Kumbolo hanya tinggal kenangan dalam mimpi sajalah, huhuhu.

Tapi yang pasti kekecewaan aku ini tak bermakna keinginan aku terkubur begitu sahaja. InsyAllah pasti aku akan datang lagi nak melunaskan impian yang tertangguh. Bak kata pepatah Melayu,” Takkan lari gunung dikejar”

The End


  1. Sudah tamat ke,, ?'s was so cool and make me so sad :'(,, just waiting for the next story ,,

  2. Hi there,

    I saw your flight ticket is cheap. May i know in which month you book the flight ticket? Just to get an idea promotion of AA to Surabaya is roughly open in which month as current tickets for June 2015 is very expensive. May i also check with you is early May a good travel period to Bromo Ijen? Thanks

    Chia Nee

  3. Hi Chia Nee, I book during AA promo about 8 months earlier. You should wait the AA promo to get cheaper.

    May should be ok but the weather is unpredictable, sometime. It may depends on your luck too ;-)

  4. Salam Nurul..nak tanya.. tour guide tu awk bik dimana ya.. dr sana ker..?? cammane yr if nk dptkn khidmat depa tu... :)
    if travel solo selamat x kat sana??

  5. Wslm,Ery Vanida

    Ha'ah I ambik tour agent dari sana sbb kami travel ramai.

    You can contact direct with
    Ismail +62 856 1999 909

    Travel solo with guide kat sana, ok tp price akan jd lg mahal lah.

  6. Awk.. tq info.. guider tu inckude skale transportation x..
    Awk rasa ppuan bahaya x travel seorg jer sana.. huhu..


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