Ulu Bendul Recreational Park
Negeri Sembilan
Sat, 25 Feb 2012
Tak pernah terfikir pun nak naik gunung Angsi… dulu pernah juga lah suggest kat geng gunung nak hiking kat sini tapi takde sorang pun yang kasi positive response. Maybe, tak mencabar sangat kot dekat dia orang ni or more polite word “not so popular among the hikers” that’s why sambutan & feedback pun tak menggalakkan. Luckily, kakigym tempat aku workout organize one event to this gunung last week. Of course aku excited nak join walaupun I’ve something going on, on that day too… my very close ofismate wedding & KL heritage explorace 2012 (which I did joined last year). Wedding tu kira OK lah aku boleh coverline pergi dia punye akad nikah...malam nye. KL heritage explorace pulak aku memang eager sangat nak join… memikirkan “alah gunung ni nak naik bila-bila masa pun boleh” tapi event macam KL heritage explorace ni setahun sekali jer. Tapi nak buat macam mana kan, takde pulak geng yang willing nak join... ajak gojes kan confirm banyak alasan yang boleh dijangkakan. Takpelah lupakan aje… confirm takkan menang (ayat nak sedapkan hati yang lara). Fuhh.
Gunung Angsi ni terletak di Ulu Bendul park Negeri Sembilan… on the way nak balik ke kampung aku kek Tanjung Ipoh. Tak jauh mana pun nak ke sini, kalu aku dari kajang (kakigym) memang shortcut sangat lah lalu Lekas… memang lekas sampai around half an hour with average120km/h speed. Tapi, aku tak drive pun… since transport included in RM50 payment for this trip other than Food & guide. So, aku pun naik keter Volkwagen Cik Aina, anak tuan punye gym. Kita orang tak amik pun Lekas on the way nak pergi sebab nye nak kena pick up guide kat tol senawang. Dalam hati aku jauh nye nak amik guide ni, takde transport sendiri ke. Oppss… rupa-rupa nye dia orang bawa keter sendiri, emmmhh tapi yang aku pelik apsal nak berjemput pulak (padahal jumpa kat Ulu Bendul kan lagi senang. Nak wat camne kan not me the organizer, if not, then it will be a different story. Nak jemput guide pun dah buang masa… yelah amik kt tol senawang tu memang kena patah balik lah sebab nye lagi jauh.
We arrived at Ulu Bendul Recreational park around 8.50 a.m macam tu. Around 9.30 am macam tu baru lah nak start hiking after registration, bayar entrance fee, distribute foods, water, buat streching & short briefing by our guide. Buang masa juga lah… tapi memandangkan before 12pm pun still you are allowed to start, then aku rase +/- 5 hour juga lah return time for this trekking.

Keris ni marked of your starting point
Beginning of the track, tak lah susah mana, trek still rata & leisure. Just follow the piping route along the riverside. Sungguh teruja tengok air sungai Ulu Bendul yang jerneh. Tapi memandangkan target utama nak conquer gunung Angsi so terpaksalah aku lupakan hasrat nak menikmati kesejukan air gunung. Mula-mula tu semua pun aku nampak rushing, yelah maybe trek nye leisure kot until we reached the first small stream. From there, it is all the way up. This time, the real hiking is begun.
We first stopped at Kem Tangga Batu. Rest about 10 minutes then continue hiking all the way up. But, this time I was left behind by my group sebab nye kusyuk sangat dok amik gambar, luckily ade juga yang spesen dengan aku. Aku pun follow lah group lain yang naik juga masa tu, group from Angkasapuri RTM tu. Ingatkan nak buat liputan ke apa… rupa nye Angsi ni dah jadi yearly activity that group. And they were all sporting & fun… and most of them are veteran OK. That day sahaja ade 5 group yang saing sekali dengan kami… cuma bezanye your fitness level lah… hehehe.

Beginning of the track

Just follow the piping route

Halangan yang paling banyak kat Gunung Angsi ni... pokok tumbang
So, be careful sebab on the way nak balik pun aku jumpa pokok besar yang baru je rebah
Another alternative... lalu kat celah bukit tu (see the arrow pointed to)
I took this route on the way back but I preferred using rope

View from Bukit Botak
It took me 3 hours to get to the peak & 2 hours return. I reached around 12.45pm and we rested about 1.5 hours and then trekking down around 2.30 pm. To me, Angsi was a very tough mountain & cannot be underestimated. Why I said tough? Sebab nye for two hours you need to hike all the the way up... ascending. And this time, I consumed more than 2 liters of water. Dulu naik Gunung Irau pun satu botol 500ml jer… lagi tinggi & jauh compare to Angsi. Maybe different mountain has different challenge & different level of toughness.

Sapalah tractor yang tak bertanggungjawab ni... habis tanah dikejakan
p/s: Tolong jangan amik gambar sambil berbaring di sini yea... kena samak nanti

our first stop before start with the challenging track

According to our guide, there are much bigger than this
According to most of the hikers yang dah pernah pergi sini, kata nye tempat ni antara yang terkotor, tapi, to me, takde lah kotor sangat pun seperti yang dilaporkan oleh a few blogs. Cuma ade sampah terkumpul je kat peak dia. Next time, sapa-sapa nak naik Angsi make sure korang bawa lah balik sampah-sampah korang sebab nye takde orang pun nak buat cleaning service kat situ. Memang lah entrance fee nye agak mahal RM5 tapi tak tahu duit tu guna apa kan. So, together we keep our forest clean OK.
Overall, I really enjoyed hiking at Gunung Angsi. Maybe this is the first and the last kot. Hopefully not... hehehe.
org kakigym kuat, kami ikut kang tertinggal kat belakang... sob sob sob...
ReplyDeletebkn ke aritu aku ckp aku ada hal kena jadi pengapit kan?
ko bawak kami plak ye...
Mental + physical kena kuat... baru betul :-)
ReplyDeleteBoleh jer... tapi jalan dia confusing skit, better ade guide kot kalu baru 1st time.
Aku dah smpi dah dulu. Cukup lah sekali. Hongeh bak kate org n9.
ReplyDeleteNaik irau tu suhu sejuk.sebab tu tak dehidrated. Angsi korang naik tongah hari tongah paneh, sebab tu asik minum je.
Kami plan nak naik Angsi sekali lagi minggu depan,.. sapa kata Angsi tak mencabar.. bagi hardcore hikers mungkin le kut.
ReplyDeleteHai.. Emm nak tanya sikit. Kalau nak naik Angsi ni kena ada guide ke? And ada pape preparation x b4 nak naik? Mksud sy, kena buat surat utk naik ke.. Sy ngn kwn2 sy nak naik insyaAllah mggu dpn. Jadi, ktorg nak tau la kot2 kena buat pape ke b4 naik ni. Harap bole bg respon kt sy :)
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ReplyDeleteKalau 1st timer, advisable amek guide
ReplyDeleteTak perlu surat tapi before naik kena register nama & byr entrance fee, tak ingt lah brape sbb dulu ketua kami yg uruskn ;-)
Oh jadi mmg x yah surat la eh? Bole trus g situ tayah book? Sy ada kol forestry dept tu, dia ckp kalau nak ada guide kena buat surat n kalau nak naik kena buat surat maklumkan kt pihak sana yg kite nak naik. Tp sy bkk kat blog2 xde pun ckp kena buat surat. Hehe trima kasihhh.
ReplyDeleteah kalau nak join skali, jom la. InsyaAllah ktorg nak naik 30 April ni :)
*sorry byk sgt tanya. :/