
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hiking to Bromo Crater

Bromo crater, Indonesia
Friday, 6th June 2013

Continue from previous post.

After the puas bergamba sakan di Penanjakan, kami pun meneruskan agenda yang seterusnya ke Bromo crater. From penanjakan 1 to parking area to Bromo crater is about less than half an hour. But the route was quite risky as we need to descending to sand sea of Bromo. Luckily, we have Agus with us... to drive us safely.

A must transport for tourist to get into Sand Sea of Bromo

Sampai-sampai jer dah ramai bapak-bapak yang menunggu

Amy sudah ketemui pilihan hati

First time for Cik Thirah too

Kali ni aku telah mengambil langkah drastik untuk tidak naik kuda ke kawah bromo sebab aku pernah berazam on my last entry about Bromo aku nak berjalan pulak sebab dah merasa kurangnya nikmat nak menghayati keunikan lautan pasir di Bromo kalau menunggang kuda. Tapi yang tak bestnya  cuma aku jelah yang beria-ia, fad, adeq, miza & bai tak join skali, penat katanya. Mbak Eein, Thirah & Amy telah memilih kuda as a transport to reach bromo crater... yelah first time for them kan. Bagilah chance merasa naik kuda. Tapi kesian juga sebab mbak-mbak ni sudah kena kelentong dengan their horse guide. But, aku tak sure how they deal with them. Sebab mula-mula kami tanya memang dia cakap IDR100K, mana tau that price only for one way trip. Tahu-tahu return kena jalan kaki lah pulak kan. tulah excited sangat nak naik kuda sampai lupa nak tanya lagi detail kan. Last year, memang kami dapat IDR100K for return trip, confirm sebab Agus tolong kami deal with all of them. Takpe lah kan, good exercise. Akak pun jalan kaki juga, return tau, hahaha.

Panda naik Kuda

The sand sea of Bromo

Jom explore

The journey thru the sand sea of bromo will take approximately half an hour to bromo crater but it depends on the individual too. Kalau macam aku yang banyak berhenti amek gambo ni memang kena put extra hours lah. Al maklum, I ni kan pelancong, so, agak jakun sikit lah. Anyway, aku takdelah jalan berseorangan tapi ditemani dua cowok jawa, Imam & Mail, our tour guide. Nasib baiklah dia orang ni agak penyabar melayan kerenah aku yang banyak hal ni.

one of the option to get to Bromo crater

Perjalanan menuju Bromo crater

View & route that I've just passed

Kelihatan masih jauh lagi mahu sampai

View Sand Sea of bromo from far

Actually, half way to reach Bromo crater, we followed different route. Route yang agak selesa untuk kami yang berjalan ni. Sebab kalau kami follow horse riding route, laluan nya agak berhabuk & at certain peopla, it makes you feel uneasy. Honestly, memang penat trekking thru the trek berpasir ni. Sebab cuaca panas jer dah kill half of your stamina. Masa ni jer aku dah buka jacket aku yang tebal tu sebab rasa semput sangat. Cuaca kat sini memang cepat berubah, kalau pagi tadi memang sejuk sangat tapi after the sunrise, cepat betul temperature dia naik.

Semakin jauh meninggalkan lautan pasir bromo

Mula-mula aku ingat kami akan naik tangga batu to Bromo crater, mana tahu Imam cakap kita trekking saja ke crater. Katanya, kalau nak tahu macam mana treknya Semeru tu, kena naik thru this route lah. Aku OK jer lagipun kata dah training for Semeru kan. Mula-mula tu masih lagi ok tapi bila dah halfway tu aku rasa makin susahnya nak sampai atas. Inikah azabedah yang akan aku rasakan nak sampai ke puncak Semeru. Tapi Imam cakap Semeru is much tougher & lagi tinggi. If in Bromo, one step up & 2 steps down but Semeru, one step up and three step down, one up and could be more step down, seemingly no ending. So, can u imagine. At least, aku dah merasa jugalah susahnya... cuma lepas ni kena lebih focus on mental preparation. Nasib baik lah kata-kata semangat Imam, buat aku lagi teruja nak menawan puncak tertinggi jawa itu. Thanks Imam for the good tips nak hiking thru volcano track. Best juga kalau boleh dapat personal guide macam ni nak naik Semeru, hehehe.

I will take this route to Bromo crater

Jalur pendakian ke Puncak Bromo

Steady lah Red Tudung

I was too exhausted at this time... hot... no water  & due to the volcanic sand that makes me extra tired

Alhamdulillah, finally

View from top of Bromo

My second time here

Diammu Gunung Berapi... see that smokes, yes, this volcano still active

Keindahan diatas puncak Gunung Berapi Bromo

Kalau  naik tangga, I will be on that area

Thanks to these two (2) guides, Imam & Mail

Nak turun memang lagi senang dari nak naik

Antara bentuk muka bumi di Sand Sea of Bromo

Otw turun dari Gunung Bromo, we took different route too. So, banyaklah spend masa aku nak ambil gamba on different side & chit chatting with my guide, Imam. Mail dah jauh meninggalkan kami masa ni. Makan hati barangkali, hehehe. Rupanya banyak juga benda menarik yang kita boleh explore if we choose to walk. Kalau naik kuda, belum tentu dapat tengok benda-benda yang pelik disekitar lautan pasir bromo ni. Its better to wear mask, buff or anything that can cover your mouth & nose because its quite dusty in this area.

Human face sculpture from sand otw to Bromo

Ada jualan juga disini

Time to go back

Mount Batok

New experience for me today, hiking to Mount Bromo, eventho, it was only me alone in my group. Maybe to some people, not so tough but the trail somehow makes you feel extra tired due to hot weather & the volcanic sand. InsyAllah after this, I will prepare more to hike any volcanoes in Indonesia. Ayat memang confirm nak datang lagi kan.


Posing with Jeep drived by Agus

After wonderful experince at Bromo crater, we headed to our jeep & ready to get back to Hotel for breakfast. Alhamdulillah, bersyukur sangat hari ni & puas hati. Segalanya indah di Bromo hari ini. From sand sea of bromo to cafe lava hotel only 10min.. dah dekat rupanya. Breakfast pun ok cuma aku yang tak berapa nak lalu. Penat hiking tak habis lagi barangkali.

Masa kami tengah breakfast, ada dapat good news yang, missing hiker dah jumpa. Ya Allah masa tu rasa bersyukur sangat tapi kami masih perlu menunggu sehingga esok, confirmation from semeru management. Tapi yang pasti, hati ini memang dah berbunga riang. Masih kah ada peluang untuk aku menawan puncak tertinggi jawa itu (senyum sampai ke telinga). Wait & see.

We checked-out at 12pm and headed to our next trip to Ranupane.

Still praying for a good news...

To be continued...


  1. next time nak naik Semeru boleh training kat kawah Bromo ni dulu kot

  2. Ehm,, I never makan hati lah,, saya biasa makan nasi sama singkong..

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