
Saturday, November 22, 2014

My South Korea Autumn Trip: Itaewon

Itaewon, Seoul 
Wednesday, 22 Oct 2014

After back from Sokcho, again, kami ke J honor Guesthouse, same guesthouse on our first day in Seoul. Actually, kami dah book guesthouse ni for 3 days, the first 2 days & last day in Seoul. And sebab kami book untuk last day juga, the owner sangat baik hati kasi kami tinggalkan luggage kami sepanjang kami travel ke Jeju - Sokcho & back to Seoul. No extra charge. And the best part kami dapat the same room that we stayed on our first day, level 1. So, tak perlu lah bersusah payah nak naik tangga & paling penting dekat dengan lobby.

After checked-in, having a short rest, later... proceed to our next destination, Itaewon. Hari ni memang kami dah plan nak ke situ sebab nak menikmati Halal Korean food. And our target was Murree Restaurant. Selain tu, nak juga melihat suasana muslim people living around there.

Getting to Itaewon from Myeondong by Subway

Myeondong (Line 4) ---> Samgakji (Interchange to Line 6) --> Itaewon (Line 6)
From the subway exit, follow way heading to Seoul Mosque.

Road heading to Seoul Central Mosque

There are so many halal restaurants on the way from Itaewon Subway exit to the Seoul Mosque and the surrounding area. One of the restaurant that serving halal Korean dishes in their menu was Murree Restaurant. So, kalau nak try halal bulgogi, bibimbap & other korean popular dish, make your way to this restaurant. Just located on the way to the mosque. Kami ke sini pun sebab ramai muslim bloggers yang recommended this place.

Muree Restraunt... also served Halal Korean Food

To be honest, aku bukan lah penggemar Korean food Aku rasa, kalau tak ke Korea ni takde makna nya lah aku nak saja-saja nak makan kat sini kan. Kat Malaysia pun tak pernah makan, hahaha. Tapi, dah alang-alang ke negeri orang kan, mestilah nak merasa juga kan, apa yang best nya Korean dish ni. Bagi aku yang first time ni, so so jelah. Yang lain cakap ok. Tapi itulah kelainannya. Kami order bibimbap, Bulgogi & Kimchi egg roll. Total is 76,000 won for 4 pax included drinks with no tax.

Bibimbop (8,000 won)... a mixed rice meal in Korea consists of a bowl of steamed white rice topped with vegetables, beef,  a whole egg & red chili pepper paste

The right way to enjoy bibimbap... just mix them all

Bulgogi or Grilled marinated beef (15,000won)... served together with above set menu
Alhamdulillah... calon-calon lelaki soleh :-)

Lepas habis jer dinner, kami pun sambung jalan-jalan sekitar Itaewon. Next agenda, nak cari halah bakery for our tomorrow's breakfast. Ada satu kedai, Salam Bakery yang menjual roti halal kat Itaewon ni. Memandangkan lepas ni kami plan nak shopping ke Dongdaemun & Myeondong, so, kami decide nak tapow kebab dulu, nanti confirm sampai guesthouse dah lapar kan. Lagipun, hari ni last night kami kat Seoul, so, masih banyak lagi yang boleh dibeli & dihabiskan, hahaha.

Seoul Central Mosque at Itaewon (source)

Jalan masuk ke Itaewon Mosque

Meneruskan perjalanan ke destinasi seterusnya

Itaewon at Night

Ada juga Islamic center kat area Itaewon ni

Itaewon at Night

On the way nak balik tu, kami di sapa two ladies from Malaysia yang kebetulan baru sampai di Seoul. Tanya macam-macam juga pasal tu & ini, nasib lah kami dah nak balik, so, memang confident jelah cakap & kasi cadangan. Rupa-rupanya, dia ingat kami ni student malaysia yang study kat sini. I feel so young, hahaha.

From Itaewon, kami ke destinasi seterusnya, dongdaemun

To be continued...

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