
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Jeju Island Day 1: Yongmeori Coast

Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do
Saturday, 18 Oct 2014

Yongmeori & Mt Sanbangsan is our first destination for today in Jeju Island. After dah key in contact no. lokasi yang kami nak tuju in GPS i.e.Yongmeori Coast, finally, sampai pun. Perjalanan boleh tahan jauh juga nak sampai ke sini dari Jeju City. Boleh jadi juga sebab driver kami memandu dengan agak berkhemah skali, hehehe. Mula-mula tu kami menyimpang ke waterfall dulu. Lepas tu baru notice yang aku salah key in contact no. 

Perjalanan menuju Sanbangsan

Sanbangsan Mountain, The facts...

Sanbangsan Mountain, a hardened body of lava, was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption that happened thousands of years ago. On the southern part of the mountain, you can see cliffs with interesting rock formations. From the name itself, “sanbang”, literally translated as “cave inside the mountain” – a cave is found inside the Sanbangsan Mountain.

The Sanbangsan Mountain is a great place to visit during spring time when canola flowers bloom and create a marvellous carpet around the foot of the mountain. Because of the rich existence of canola flowers, the area is known for its annual celebration, the Canola Flower Walking Festival. 

Mt Sanbangsan

Actually, kami tak naik pun Mount Sanbangsan ni. Lagi pun main aim memang nak ke Yongmeori Coast. Kalau nak naik ke sini, kena hiking sikitlah. Tapi bukan lah naik sampai puncak tu ya, maybe sampai Buddha Temple yang kat atas tu. Sanbangsan Mountain located just in front of Yongmeori beach. 

Buddha at Sanbangsan Mountain

Just park at the side or parking park available

Yongmeori Coast

Opening Hours: 8:00-19:00(Mar-Oct)/8:00-18:30(Nov-Feb)
Entrance Fee: 2,000 won


Yongmeori is Jeju Island’s oldest volcanic formation created by hydrovolcanic activity thousands of years ago, formed long before Mt. Hallasan. Yongmeori is derived from the two words, yong and meori, which means “dragon” and “head”. There are wide rocks stacking up on one another along the seashore cliffs which create a majestic scenery by the sea.

Jom ke Yongmeori beach

Kelapa dengsn straw ni nampak unik pulak

A must try Jeju Hallabong Original Juice... Best

If you follow counter clockwise to Yongmeori Coast, along the road down to the seashore, there is the Hamel Castaway Memorial, in remembrance of Hamel who drifted to this place in 1653

Warning... please alert

Ada 2 entrance nak ke Yongmeori coast ni. Either follow clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Tapi kami choose to follow the left side & return on the same direction. Kay & geng follow counterclockwise. Aku tak pasti apa yang ada on the other side sebab kami tak ke sana pun. Sebab rasa macam benda yang sama jer yang kami akan nampak kalau pusing, hehehe. Tapi cuaca memang sangat panas masa ni.

Beautiful Formation of Rocks

Yongmeori is a rough and dramatic coastline shaped from lava eruptions. Walking along the spectacular rock formations is an experience that only Jeju-do can offer.

Actually, Yongmeori was not in my list of places to go when I first planned my jeju tour itinerary, but I was persuaded by Cik Fad, yang katanya tempat ni sangat rare. So, I included Yongmeori as part of our tour in Jeju. Ternyata, this place is beautiful and totally worth it. 

Pengalaman unik di Yongmeori beach

Cooled lava rock from the volcanic eruption of Mt. Halla millions of years ago has turned the coast into a stunning walk

Background yang awesome

Nice place to take profile pic :-)

Macam dalam movie set pun ada

Love the view... spectacular

Beauty beyond description

Mount Sanbangsan seen from Yongmeori Coast

Enjoy the breathtaking views of the ocean and impressive rock formation while walking along the coast. I believe anyone who enjoy nature will love this place very much, like me. To me, this is a must visit place in Jeju.

Main Attraction at Yongmeori Coast

Subhanallah...unik nya ciptaan yang maha Esa

We follow the same route naik & turun ke Yongmeori coast

This place isn’t always open because of the tides and weather, so if you have the chance to go, take it. If I were taking someone around Jeju, I would definitely recommend this place.

We spend almost 2 hours around Yongmeori area. Lepas tu, continue with our next destination to Cheonjiyeon waterfall. Duration from Yongmeori to Cheonjiyeon hampir 40 min jugalah drive. Nampak dalam map macam dekat je kan tapi sebenarnya agak jauh juga. Tapi lokasi Cheonjiyeon fall dah dekat sangat dengan hotel kami.

To be continued...