
Sunday, October 26, 2014

My South Korea Autumn Trip: Nami Island

Naminara Republic, South Korea
Friday, 17 Oct 2014

Our main agenda for today was Nami Island.

Kami telah memilih ITX train to Nami Island memandangkan kami plan nak sampai awal. Lagipun kami ada agenda lain yang kami perlu kejarkan after Nami Island. So, ITX train yang paling menjimatkan masa & pantas. Paling penting korang boleh rilex sambil menikmati view yang cantik takpun tidur dengan amannya sebab dah ada reserved seat masing-masing. So, tak perlulah, berdiri sepanjang perjalanan menuju Gapyeong station. Cuma tambang agak expensive sikit sajalah.

How to book ITX train ticket --> Here

Getting There from Myeongdong:

Subway Myeondong (line 4) --> Dongdaemun (Interchange, transfer to Line 1) --> Cheongyangni
Train ride approximately 19mins.

Transfer to ITX-Cheungchong line.
Collect reserved ITX tickets before boarding for online booking (bring booking confirmation + passport to ticket officer & exchange for actual ticket)
ITX Train from Cheongyangni --> Gapyeong station.
Train ride approximately 40mins.

From Gapyeong station --> Take taxi, bus or walking (if you fit enough) to get to Nami Island.
Taxi ride approximately 5mins.

ITX Train from Cheongyangni station to Gapyeong Station

Gapyeong Station

Welcome to Nami Island...

Opening hours: 09:00 - 19:00 (Apr-Oct), 09:00 - 18:00 (Nov-Mac)
Entrance Fee: 8,000 won (Round trip Ferry & Tax)
Zip wire Fare: 38,000 won (to Nami Island)


Situated 63km from Seoul in the middle of Han River, Namisum is a tiny half-moon shaped island located in Chuncheon, South Korea, formed as it was inundated by the rising water of the North Han River as the result of the construction of Cheongpyeong Dam in 1944.

The island has an area of 460,000 square meters in area and approximately 5 km in diameter. Formed with pebbles & sand, there are no mountains in the island, but there are trees tall enough to touch the sky.

Nami Island was named after General Nami, a notable figure in Korean History who courageously fought in battles but died at the age of 26.

Entry Visa to Nami Island

Alhamdulillah kami sampai awal di Pintu masuk Nami Island seperti yang di rancang. Ada 2 options nak sampai ke Nami Island, samada ferry ride or flying fox (zip-wire). Tapi kami semua memilih untuk naik ferry. Actually, keinginan nak cuba flying fox tu memang ada tapi agak mahal sikit lah, beza 30,000 won kot. Better save budget untuk yang lain kan. Lagipun cuaca pun memang sejuk giler masa ni. Maybe, next time, InsyAllah. Ferry ride is less then 5min.

We choose Ferry ride to Nami Island

Other option to Nami Island... Flying Fox, untuk yang inginkan kelainan, berani & ada budget lebih, hehehe

Lets enjoy the pics below...

The attractive autumn colors

Feel the Autum breeze

Gugurnya red maple

Mana satu di antara nikmat-nimat Allah yang kau hendak dustakan

The color blends to produce beautiful landscape

Apa Khabar

Unicef Hall

Seperti yang dah sedia maklum, Nami island popular sebagai tempat shooting korean famous drama series "winter sonata" which stars Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo. About 12 years back. Di sebabkan daya tarikan utama orang ke Nami Island because of this drama series, so, they have allocated special spot for visitors to take photos with the main stars pic. Kalau time ramai orang, beratur jugalah nak tungu turn lagi-lagi kalau geng-geng ahjuma yang conquer, hahaha. Winter sonata statue juga ada diabadikan di sini tapi kami tak pergi sampai ke situ pun.

The Famous Korean drama shooting place

Photo frame of winter sonata scene at Nami Island

The Hero... kini Hanya tinggal kenangan

Welcome to Nami Island

The color is so beautiful

Feel autumn in my heart... hehehe


Dah hmapir 2 jam berjalan-jalan, kami pun ke Eco cafe yang dikatakan menghidangkan makanan Halal di sini. Of cos, nasi goncang lah yang menjadi menu pilihan kami based on the recommendation by most of the muslim bloggers. Anyway, memang best although this is my first time to taste Kimchi. Kira boleh masuk jugalah. Layann.

Complete set with glove sebab mestin (aku tak pasti nama bekas ni apa) tu panas

Inilah hasil goncangan ku... Nasi+Telur+Kimchi

Eco Cafe... One of the Halal Food Restraunt

Dah habis makan, kami pun meneruskan perjalanan menuju Nami wharf. Sebab kami dah beli ticket ITX train pukul 1.28pm. Dan kami juga ada destinasi lain selepas ni. On the way back, we had choosen different route. Sambil-sambil tu boleh lah kami explore the other side of this Island kan.

We choose a different route otw back

Hanya beberapa meter sahaja yang memisahkan Gapyeong dari Nami Island

Kalau choose flying fox, kat sini lah tempat dia landing nanti

Masa ni kami tengah tunggu Ferry nak balik around 12pm, nampak tak ferry yang baru nak datang tu... ramai nyerr, luckily kami sampai awal

Ferry ride return from Nami Island

Leave nothing but the footprint

Sepatutnya after Nami Island, our next agenda ke Gyeongbokgung Palace (Royal Guards changing ceremony) seperti yang dah dirancangkan dalam itinerary kami. Tapi entah macam mana kami boleh tersalah naik train Korail pulak. Masa tu tak sempat nak keluar dah sebab pintu pun dah tutup. Aku pun macam mana boleh tak perasan yang ITX train patut sampai at 1.28pm. Padahal masa tu baru pukul 1.20pm. Masing-masing pun tak aware pasal train tu, semua pun follow jer. Dah masuk baru perasan yang train kami masuk tu bukan ITX train sebab takde seat yang selesa macam yang mula-mula kami naik pagi tadi. Kami cuba patah balik tapi confirm lah dah tak sempat dah. Ticket nak return pun dah sold-out. Sudahnya kami naik Korail sampai the last station and interchannge to Subway, balik semula ke Myeongdong sebab confirm kami tak sempat nak catch show "Royal Guards changing ceremony" sebab last show 3.30pm. 

Lesson learnt today, always aware train yang korang nak naik kat sini sebab bukan satu train jer yang akan lalu the same train rail, macam kes kami ni, Korail & ITX also using the same route. Paling penting tengok train yang sampai tu sebab kalau ITX ke, Korail ke memang dia akan stated kat luar train tu. Cuma kami ni jer yang tak aware yang line tu akan dilalui dua train yang berbeza. And ITX train akan follow time exactly macam kat ticket.

Kecewa juga tapi nak buat macam mana kan. Pengalaman tu yang penting. Lepas ni, maybe, I will be more focus, hehehe. Memandangkan kekecewaan tak dapat ke Gyeongbokgung Palace, malamnya after short rest kat Jhonor kami berjalan-jalan di Dongdaemun.

To be continued...


  1. Hero winter sonata tu kenapa hanya tinggal kenangan? dah mati ke?

  2. Loveeee ur travel diary!!!

    Keep writing! ;)

  3. yang mati tu 2nd hero...bkn yg dlm gmbo tu. btw nami island mmg lawa

  4. Haha...oh 2nd hero ya, aku pon dh lupa :-)

  5. nurulllllllllllllllllllllll
    make sure wanna repeat Korea in autumn plak nanti.

  6. Train memang kena tengok betul2. event subway ade sesetengah station ada yg 2 arah bebeza wpun platform yg sama.

  7. Yatt... memang chantek sangat, rasa xnak balik ya. InsyAllah, memang nak repeat sbb by tpt kami tak sempat pergi. Anyway nnt kan entry Jeju plak... hahaha

  8. weii ko saja nak bakar aku ni. aku tau jeju sangat cantekkk arggghhh rindu. last trip may hari tuh dah nak masuk musim panas
    wei hp ko dah tukar ke awat nak wasap kuar gambo orang lain.

  9. Yatt, send no. ko kt email aku

  10. NHA...kat mana ye pict awk yg wat cover photo tu?? melted tgk..cantik ciptaanNya

    1. Mike, pic tu kat danau segara anak, rinjani, lombok

  11. follow sini.. korek2 sikit tips ke Korea =D
